How Are You Doing?

Good Morning -

How are you doing?  That’s a question we are all asking each other.  Checking in on friends, family, neighbors, those on the front lines, and this Community. 

Everything looks different right now.  Everything feels different.  Some people are crowded into their homes - all arms and legs tangled together, seeking a place for a quiet moment, tired of hearing their names called for help or attention or another love language.  Some of us are living in “near normal” ways, reconciling the sameness of each day, the restrictions to our play and entertainment, missing our loved ones, longing for that perfect hug from a special 4 year old.  Some of us are just plain lonely.  Living alone hasn’t always felt lonely, but the four walls can feel stifling even with virtual connection.  Everything looks different. 

We know that the Enneagram offers a path for our personal growth and understanding of our loved ones. Couldn’t we all use a little help these days?  Each Type needs a personal message to soothe and we can explore those in weeks to come.  But let’s start with something that can help us all.

Whenever you can find a moment, in the morning, at bedtime, on your walk or bike ride, breathe deeply, exhale and whisper an affirmation. 

Here are a few to get you started as offered by Enneagram scholar, Don Riso:

I affirm that I use the difficulties life brings to grow.

I affirm that I can learn from everyone and everything.

I affirm that I observe myself without judgement.

What do you need to release?  What do you need to remember?  How can you change your thinking?  How are you doing?

We are in this together!

God bless you and yours during this weekend of Holy celebration.

Times of Challenge